• +91 9052909910
  • savewatersfaewater@gmail.com
  • House No: 10-466, First Floor, Satyanarayana Colony

Save Water

Save Water

Save Water and Safe Water Foundation is a Non-Profitable Organization registered in Hyderabad, under Section 8 Company Act of 2013.
It is a national movement to raise the issues related to water in the country. Primarily It believes in Article 12 to 35 contained in Part III of the Constitution deal with Fundamental Rights. These are: Right to equality, including equality before law, prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, and equality of opportunity in matters of employment. Every citizen of the country should avail safe drinking water and Govt, NGOs and private sector should take the responsibility to provide water to the marginalized and rural areas. The urban population should take up the responsibility of saving water and actively participate in water conservation. At the same time without holistic growth, a society cannot look up to the global standards and cope up with modernization. Humanitarian work is the core and vital for its existence and breath of the organization.

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