• +91 9052909910
  • savewatersfaewater@gmail.com
  • House No: 10-466, First Floor, Satyanarayana Colony



Save Water and Safe Water Foundation is a Non-Profitable Organization registered in Hyderabad, under Section 8 Company Act of 2013.
Kindness begins with you, and you have got plenty of opportunity to demonstrate it through various means and ways. The team of the parents of Reqelford International Schools of Hyderabad, India are the best example of showing kindness to the street dwellers who have not roof over their heads and sleep on the road sides in this winter. Often, they are vulnerable and ostracized in so called modern society.

The parents were moved with their situation and decided to distribute blankets to warm their nights and brought smiles on those street dwellers. They sacrificed their peaceful nights and went street to street to cover blankets who don’t have proper clothes to warm themselves.